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Know about EjectX

What is EjectX? A safer, smarter solution for haulage

The EjectX is an Australian designed and manufactured truck body used to transport material. The EjectX body remains in a fixed horizontal position while a plough (looks like a dozer blade), pushes the material along the body and out through the open tailgate.

While the EjectX looks like a tipping body, it does not tip.

The EjectX is an alternative to a live bottom trailer/walking floor trailer however, instead of using a conveyor belt/slat system, it uses a hydraulic ram and plough to wipe the body clean, everytime!

How does the EjectX work?

To unload material, when ‘unload’ is selected in the cab, the tailgate automatically lifts, then the plough moves through the body at either a set speed, or inched through the body for part load ejection, which allows material to flow freely out the rear of the body.

Why was the EjectX built?

The EjectX was designed and built due to a need for a safer alternative to tipping bodies, while increasing productivity and opening more opportunities for end users. 

The EjectX is an engineer designed, lightweight body that is built for a variety of material. It has been designed for simple placement of materials while keeping a controlled environment. The operator dictates the speed the material is being ejected from the rear of the body by a user-friendly, in-cab control system. 

When compared to other designs on the market, we see reduced running/maintenance costs due to no belts, chains or slat to replace. 

Who uses the EjectX?

The EjectX is a versatile body that can be used with a variety of materials in the construction industry. The EjectX body can transport material from sticky, hot or cold asphalt, to profiling’s, rock, fill, right through to demolition material. This allows the end user versatility when it comes to carting their load and not being restricted to only free flowing material. Therefore, the opportunities with an EjectX are endless. 

Where is the EjectX used?

Where controlled movement of material is necessary!

  • The EjectX is capable of placing the amount of material required in a specific place, every time.
  • The EjectX can be used anywhere that material needs to be transported in a safe manner -everywhere!
  • This includes; right of ways, easements, around overhead obstructions, under awnings, on tight sites, uneven ground and adverse slopes. 

When was the EjectX body built?

The EjectX body was first designed and built in 2017 by ShawX Manufacturing in Brisbane, Australia and has continually been improved to now producing the GEN3 EjectX, a lightweight, versatile and technically advanced body that increases both safety and productivity.