07 3286 3794


Australian made ejector truck body



EjectX Truck Bodies: when Safety Matters

EjectX by ShawX Manufacturing are Australian ejector truck bodies that change the way material is moved on site. The EjectX allows you to move material without the safety concerns of a tipper, efficiently depositing your payload exactly where and how you want it, every time, regardless of your surrounds.

Proudly designed and built in our Brisbane workshop, we have designed and built the EjectX truck body to be as safe and user friendly as possible using a horizontal hydraulic ram to push material along the body, as the tailgate automatically lifts -all while the truck remains in a stable and horizontal position.

THE DESIGN: Changing the way
material is moved

Our design incorporates a purpose-built, double bushed horizontal hydraulic ram that pushes a plough through the Bisalloy body, ejecting any material you put in the back of it.

The tailgate automatically lifts, then the plough moves through the body at either a set speed, or inched through the body for part load ejection, allowing material to flow freely out of the body. This reduces any wear and tear on the tailgate.

Carry and safely deposit rock, concrete, demolition material, crusher dust and hot and cold asphalt.

We have designed and built the EjectX truck body to be as safe and user friendly as possible to reduce the risk of damage done to your equipment and increase safety on site. The EjectX doesn’t have the challenges of a conventional tipper, enabling you to place or spread your material without the safety concerns.


EjectX body showing plough through tailgate no tipping body
ShawX Manufacturing EjectX In Action


We have designed the EjectX body to be a simple system to ensure the maintenance costs and downtime are minimal. 

The maintenance required on this body is a scraper replacement on the plough every 6-12 months (depending on use), taking a couple of hours, as it is simply a moulded part that unbolts and bolts back on and is able to be fitted yourself. 

The ejection system installed is a low maintenance system with no chains, slats, belts or bearings, limiting the amount to go wrong. 

Benefits over tipping bodies

  • No tipping
  • Reduced operating costs and cycle times
  • Heavy-duty, full Bisalloy body
  • Greater operating range with the ability to eject on adverse slopes
  • Reduced roll over risk
  • Reduced “carry-back” due to specifically designed scrapers on the plough
  • Controlled material displacement
  • Easy to operate
  • Low centre of gravity
  • Allowed on all job sites in Australia
  • Safer near powerlines, low hanging trees and obstructions
ShawX Manufacturing EjectX In Action


The EjectX body has been designed and built with safety as the main priority. This body is safe and user friendly, reducing risk of damage to your equipment and also increasing safety on site. 

This is possible as we have included safety features such as, a system where the plough cannot be moved unless the tailgate is released. You also do not have the challenges that go along with a conventional tipper. 

The EjectX comes standard with an in-cab control panel to operate the entire system. The in-cab control panel not only allows the ability to control all functions and operations while viewing the body in real time, but it helps to reduce operator error with the preloaded modes. It also provides valuable information such as hydraulic oil temperature, lights functions and camera functions, all at your fingertips. 



  • Reduced operating costs with body clean out
  • Ability to eject sticky and cold asphalt
  • Suitable for all material type
  • Easy to operate
  • Low centre of gravity
  • No restriction of material type
  • Low side height for loading with a bobcat
  • No belts, chains, slats or bearings causing costly repairs
  • Low repairs and maintenance costs
  • Less obtrusive parts to be hit and damaged
  • Clean body after ejecting load
  • Controlled material displacement